Maricopa County Lost 291,930 Election Day Votes

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There is no end to the corruption that exists in Maricopa County and if Abe Hamadeh becomes the Attorney General, we might just see some familiar faces at the defense table. Better yet, we could see them in orange jumpsuits for a few years. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has a lot of questions to answer like where did 291,930 votes go? We don’t need to do anything except use the numbers turned in for the election.

This is how many votes the Maricopa officials say were cast on election day:

They say there were over 540k votes cast. But, what were the final tallies for the county, according to Maricopa officials?:

Where did all the votes go? My guess is that they ended up shredded in some landfill. But, I could be wrong and they burned them. But, unless there is an activist judge waiting to hear the case, there might be some questions for the Maricopa supervisors that they just can’t answer.

There is an easy answer to where some of the votes went. Voters checked in to vote but were unable to. They were told that they could vote in another precinct, which was not entirely a lie except for the fact that the county “forgot” to tell them they had to check out first and so they were unable to vote but their names still appear on the sign in sheets.

At 8:00 PM on election night, UpLift made its final report and according to that of the people who showed up on election day only 16.6% were Democrats. 52.7% were Republicans and 30.7% were independents.

Maricopa County turnout numbers on Election Day at 8:00 PM:

Republicans received 52.7% of the vote.
“Other” received 30.7% of the vote.
Democrats received 16.6% of the vote.

Now, here’s the thing. Katie Hobbs allegedly got about 50% of all the election day votes. If that were really true, she would have had to win every Democratic vote, every independent vote, and some Republican votes. I put that in the same realm of possibility as Joe Biden getting 81 million votes. And remember the independents weighed heavily in all of the polling.

Here is the Independent numbers for the Senate race:

Party ID

1,328 total respondents







Kelly 97% 9% 55%
Masters 2% 89% 39%

Updated 2:18 p.m. ET, Nov. 9

Independents voted 39% for the Republicans, but Hobbs got 100%? Oh please. And Lake was much more popular than Masters was, so her share of independent voters would have to be larger.

Michelle Althum(sp): “With everything you’re hearing at the testimony, I know what I’m saying is probably just going to be dropped into bin #3. This election report is going right into bin #3. We are living in perilous times. This is a battle of good and evil. You can sit as lords over us. And I hope that anybody who’s running for a position in politics would get it through their heads that when they are elected they are not gods over us. They are elected as servants to us, We the People. And there will come a day when you sit before a higher judge. And you will be held accountable for your role in what’s been going on for the deception and mocking God with calling evil, good and good, evil.”


