Prestigious Harvard Fellowship Bans Certain Applicants

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In the latest example of the far-Left’s embrace of racism in the United States, Harvard University is running an internship program that bars whites from applying.

McLean Hospital, a psychiatric teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, has offered a 10-week research program since 2021 that is exclusively open to “Black, Indigenous, and underrepresented people of color.” The program offers participants a $7,000 stipend and places them in prestigious labs.

This discriminatory policy comes at a time when Harvard and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill are facing a high-profile legal battle from Students for Fair Admissions—a nonprofit opposed to affirmative action.

The far-Left’s embrace of racism is evident in other ways as well. UNC Chapel Hill has at least five scholarships, fellowships, and other initiatives that are available only to minorities. Even after a discrimination complaint, a sixth initiative, exclusively for “BIPOC” students, was made available to all races.

This kind of discrimination is illegal under the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and Title VI, which bans race discrimination by federally funded entities. But Harvard is pushing forward with its discriminatory policies, and their employees are running the program.

“At a minimum, it looks like Harvard is facilitating McLean’s race-based system,” said Jonathan Berry, a partner at Boyden Gray & Associates.

It’s clear that Democrats and liberals are determined to push forward with their agenda of racial preference, no matter the cost. And this kind of racism isn’t just wrong—it’s potentially illegal. The Supreme Court is currently considering Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, a case that could outlaw affirmative action entirely.

I hate that it has to be said, but it’s time to stop putting race before merit and to start treating everyone in the United States equally. We should all be able to compete on a level playing field, regardless of the color of our skin. It’s time to end the far-Left’s embrace of racism and discrimination once and for all.
