The clowns at CNN have worked harder this year, jumping through more hoops trying to win Democrats a couple of voters ahead of this midterm, than I’ve seen in recent year’s elections. That’s including 2020. I say that because they typically just bash the GOP but this year, they’re really trying to polish Dems for voters—And it’s not working.
Now the teams have taken a giant leap and made up a whole new reason why voters should ‘vote blue’ this midterm—Because it’s what “Abraham Lincoln” would have done. I kid you not, presidential historian Jon Meacham appeared on CNN where co-host Alisyn Camerota tried to warp reality and claim Lincoln, A hard-right Republican, would have voted blue in this midterm.
It began with Camerota asking Meacham why he feels that this is the most important election since 1850. He replied, “Well, I think it’s the most important election, easily, since that period, because we are facing a stress test for the rule of law. And democracies run not just on policies, not just about what a particular policy or tax rate is.”
He would go on to confess, “as George W. Bush might say, I misunderestimated the power of the big lie here. But it — it’s burrowed in and democracies do not long endure if everything becomes about power at the expense of winning humbly and losing graciously.”
For a historian, he certainly has his facts all wrong. I didn’t see him mention even just one of the two election conspiracies that Bush was linked to.
Co-host Laura Coates joined in by dropping the historian’s book and so started the link to Lincoln, “You know, speaking of the big lie, and I thought it was really interesting in your book that you touch on this notion, I think maybe people would not — would not occur to them that both Lincoln and Biden are grappling with, or at some point we’re grappling with their own version of the big lie.”
In their warped reality, Lincoln is Biden and the GOP is the Confederacy:
“In Lincoln’s case, it was the big lie that slavery was a justifiable institution that ought to be maintained. And you write in the book, there were three moments where had he succumbed to the pressure, had his vice president succumb to the pressure, had he turned over the Fort Sumter to try to placate the Confederacy and delay the Civil War, the course of history might be very different.”
Getting to his own Lincoln analogies, Meacham stated that “Abraham Lincoln, if he had been solely a politician, he would’ve made several — could have made several different decisions that would probably have sustained slavery, certainly late into the 19th century and possibly into the 20th century.”
However, he added, “Lincoln said no. And partly it’s kind of like what Churchill did in 1940. He saw that appeasement had not worked. And that if, in fact, you gave in once more, that the south, the white south where I come from, wasn’t just interested in slavery in its limited sphere.”
Meacham made a massive reach concluding, “There was an ambitious plan to take slavery to add Cuba to the empire, to add Mexico, Nicaragua to build this, it’s called the Golden Circle. And it was going to expand and it would’ve fundamentally changed the course of everything. And Abraham Lincoln, flawed, fallen, and fallible, said no. And he said no, because he believed fundamentally that slavery had to die and the union had to endure.”
I get that they’re playing into this narrative that conservatives are racists but come on… Lincoln? I don’t think Abraham Lincoln would approve of the current direction the country is headed under Democrats and I certainly don’t think he would have voted for any of them. Comparing Biden to Lincoln isn’t just laughable, it’s insulting.