Black Minnesota Mother Takes On CRT Bill In Her State

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The House of Representatives has proposed House File 1269 which would require an ethnic studies curriculum in schools and embed ethnic studies into the state’s academic standards.

Kofi Montzka, an attorney and mother of three boys, spoke out against the legislation in a Minnesota House Education Finance Committee.

“You might ask: why in the world would a black person speak against ethnic studies? Because not everything that sounds good is good,” she said.

“The definition of Ethnic Studies right there in the statute says that there’s a connection between a person’s race and their stratification. The bill tells kids of color that they are stuck in a caste system based on their race.”

This is exactly what Democrats are trying to do. They are trying to push us back into the Jim Crow era and pull us away from the enormous progress we have made.

This is why Minnesota resident Hillary Swanson also spoke out against the bill. She said that the legislation’s definition of ethnic studies would divide and stereotype by race.

“No one is better than me because of the color of my skin. I am what it means to be black in America. I’ve been black my whole life and I will not allow anyone to tell me that they have privilege over me because of my skin,” she said.

I couldn’t agree more. As a parent, I will not stand idly by while Democrats try to divide us by race.

This is not the America I want for my children, and I will not allow them to be taught that they are inherently disadvantaged or racist based on their skin color. We need to stand up and fight back by voting these clowns out and showing up to be heard at our local council meetings.

I hope parents continue to stand up to the powers that be and push back against this new-age racism.
