“You are a piece of shit racist!” is one of the most common DM’s I get from black men and women who look at selected content that I post and emotionally message me their frustration. Doesn’t matter what the content is, the context or the message behind it; if there is any suggestiveness or even if there is any irrefutable factual evidence in the content, if it is even 1% representable of the black community, the go to rhetoric response is always to cry racism. It is the ingrained and canned response to all mirrors that hold the truth in it’s reflection.
Most recently I was called a racist over a social media “reel” where two black, high school, female students were confronting a white, high school female student and aggressively asking her, “where’s your friend!?” in what looks like is the precursor to a fight breaking out; to which, I ended the reel with the question, “where’s your father?”
Was I implying racism? No. I was, however, directly implying that the lack of fatherhood that has a staggering higher representation in black culture more than any other, has lead to violence becoming one of the primary methods for conflict resolution that the youth of today’s black culture resorts to first. But even saying this is racist according to them.
Getting blocked by them is the next most common response after I send them several videos of interviews, podcasts, news panels, etc of me, where I go full on attack mode against racism, exposing how the black community is leveraged for profit by the prison system, how cops target black men or how the education system is failing them; showing my solidarity against the realities of systemic racism and my support for the black community. Even when I post content where I say that my faith in Christ holds my belief that black culture worships Him in the most amazing standard of joy and outward celebration of His glory, with an ability that no other culture can even come close to touching, I am still called racist.
Here is my question to the black community, generalized of course, because no culture is a monolith unless it is for political weaponization purposes… What do you want? Do you even know?
You don’t seem to want solutions or unity, you don’t seem to want support or solidarity from anyone who is white, unless if is from the far back of the cause, out of the way for others to see that having white support gives validation to your argument and struggle. You don’t seem to want things fixed and unified if it means no longer having the platform to leverage the color of your skin to be the first in line for jobs, money, status or the ability to have your pain be eased.
You seem to want attention and have your knee jerk responses be heard and elevated above everyone else and the lack of impulse control over emotions by the young violent mob among you, be completely ignored and embraces as a “struggle” that was caused by the white man and can never be expected to dissipate as long as the white man still exists.
Black angst and outrage has been perfectly fueled and weaponized by the liberal left all the way to the point where you alienate yourselves from the very people who would stand along side you to champion your fight and you call them racist if they even consider addressing the causes of the issues within your culture that would bring upon you the one word that you just cannot and will not hear… accountability.
You want the moral high ground without ever having to look at the bodies of lies you stepped on to get there. Because “racism” is the carpet you sweep the lies under so that the public never confronts you with the truth.
The truth is every single culture can be corelated and connected to criminal activity, all the way from school shooters to tax evaders. Every culture, even yours.
Prisons are for profit and the black man is it’s primary commodity. And to keep the crops rolling in generation after generation, the schools are broken and the children are funneled to become the next orange jump suit wearers who never had a chance to break out of the bondage they were born into. And there are so many of us white people who see this, know it and speak out against it; but your toddler like tantrums being thrown at anything that challenges your precious self aggrandizing “oh woe is me, the white man is the root of all my problems!” bubble just can’t afford to see the reality of the world being shone in the sunlight, less your entire world burst and you be force to live among us to solve these issues, instead of on top of us, like the kings and queens you call yourselves on your social media profiles.
So, with everything being racist and with your call for anyone who you label a racist to be cancelled, why should any of us care anymore?
Why should any one of us listen to your self victimized complaints when the only truth you see is the one that was manufactured for you from being brainwashed to the point where you are now serving a life sentence in your mind behind the steel doors of a perpetual prison of social engineered lies, in which the only way to ever make parole is if a white man takes the place for the accusations you are convinced have absolutely no ties or connections to you to begin with?
At this point in life, after serving the black community with integrity as both a citizen and police officer, having friends, co workers and lovers from that amazing community, celebrating the power of it’s culture and it’s contribution to history itself and so much more to even how a hug from any other person on the planet, will never even come close to the love you feel if it is a hug from a black woman over sixty; what is the point for any of us to support you anymore?
Your message has been heard loud and clear: white people are racist any time any black person says, for any reason they choose to say they are.
I’d close this letter with some witty line about culture, crime or even a hopeful future of solidarity, but it would only fall on deaf ears, so I will leave you with this; as much as you will continue to blame any culture that isn’t your own for the problems you put yourself into generation after generation, just know that we don’t hate you and never have nor ever will… because you keep proving that no culture will ever hate you as much as you hate yourselves and that is the most blatant example of systemic racism there ever will be.
All the best,
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