There is an old saying that aptly states: “When a woman is hideously unattractive and uncouth, she cannot afford to be grotesquely ignorant as well.”
Unfortunately, TV host Joy Behar did not get this memo. Looking around the set of her television program “The View” and seeing Whoopi Goldberg, Obama Woman, and Oprah Winfrey, it becomes easier to understand why she would feel superior as a liberal lowlife.
Behar has demonstrated her true racist character by calling recently announced Republican presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas “house ni**ers” for daring to challenge her citadel of so-called skin color and identity politics – believing that if you’re a black crayon, you must be a victim.
This is morally disgusting and boorish behavior which unsurprisingly IS NOT out of character for Behar or her kind.
Sen. Scott and Justice Thomas are men who have risen above their humble beginnings through faith, hard work and moral integrity – things which Behar’s kind must rely on sleeping with producers or influencers such as Kamala Harris did in order to get ahead in life.
They are exemplary role models of godly values, American statesmanship, family values and achievement – something which Behar’s small-minded attempt at insult fails to recognize.
The fact that someone like Behar would demean these great achievements is abhorrent but unsurprising given how bitter and resentful those like her tend to be towards anyone achieving success with both feet on the ground rather than compromising themselves as meat passed around for gratification from abusers.
Naturally, then it follows that Ben Carson was correct when he said: “Politically correct liberals are some of the most racist and bigoted people he has ever known or witnessed”.
People like Behar subscribe to the lowest forms of human behavior; they think what they’re told instead of according to their own convictions, they actively exude amorality, they often kill their own children, they deep down inside hate anyone with more melanin than them who achieves success using morals, yet still find ways to act superior due their variant form of white guilt complex.
Lyle H Rossiter Jr. MD wrote a book called ‘The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes Of Political Madness’, wherein he discusses modern liberalism’s irrationality being caused by psychopathology resulting in devastating effects upon liberty institutions across America.
He believes this type of thinking emoting behaving & relating can only be understood as disorders in one’s psyche – something Joy Behar seems all too familiar with.