Alarming reports reveal a staggering surge in the number of Chinese nationals illicitly crossing the southern border in December, surpassing the combined totals of...
Tragically, a driver lost their life, and seven others sustained injuries in a series of shootings across Chicago overnight. According to the Chicago police,...
In the initial stages of the general election, a recent Ipsos/Reuters survey indicates that Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in...
On Wednesday, Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) challenged the Biden administration, asserting Texas’ right to self-defense amidst the ongoing influx of migrants along the Rio...
The Republican National Committee (RNC) aims to conclude the GOP presidential primary by proposing a resolution that designates former President Donald Trump as the...
The mainstream media has spent every single day since June 16, 2015, the day then-reality TV star host and successful businessman Donald Trump announced...
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