Treacherous Snake Hilary Clinton Spreading More Lies from Her Forked Tongue about Trump

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Hillary Clinton’s relentless smear campaign against Donald Trump is a disgraceful display of political manipulation and outright falsehoods.

It’s one thing to have political disagreements, but Clinton’s latest comments on a podcast, where she implied that Trump would resort to violence against his opponents and journalists, are utterly outrageous. This isn’t just politics as usual; it’s propaganda designed to stoke fear and further divide the nation.

Clinton, the failed presidential candidate and former Secretary of State, used her platform on the “Defending Democracy” podcast to launch a barrage of inflammatory remarks about Trump and the upcoming 2024 presidential election. During the interview with host Marc Elias, she wove a narrative so riddled with distortions that it’s hard to know where to start.

“We haven’t talked much about the international arena,” she said, proceeding to talk about Trump’s so-called “bromance” with Russian President Vladimir Putin. She went on to claim that Trump admired Putin for his brutality, suggesting that Trump aspires to kill his opposition, imprison his enemies, and drive journalists into exile. This isn’t just hyperbole; it’s a blatant attempt to create fear and mistrust among the American public.

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Clinton’s remarks came just as Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) introduced the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act, targeting Trump’s Secret Service protection. Clinton seized this moment to assert that Trump “only sees strong men leaders,” referencing Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as Trump’s supposed role models. This is fearmongering at its worst, and it’s all based on Clinton’s skewed interpretation of Trump’s foreign policy approach.

The reality is quite different from Clinton’s doomsday narrative. Earlier in 2023, Special Counsel John Durham released a report debunking the very conspiracy theories that Clinton has been peddling for years. Durham’s investigation revealed that the Department of Justice and the FBI had no basis to open an investigation into Trump’s 2016 campaign for alleged collusion with Russia. Moreover, the report indicated that the FBI had “highly significant intelligence” suggesting that Clinton’s campaign was behind a plan to vilify Trump by falsely tying him to Putin.

In light of these facts, Clinton’s continued efforts to smear Trump and perpetuate the Russia hoax are nothing short of reprehensible. She’s not merely expressing her opinion; she’s actively engaging in disinformation to undermine a political opponent. It’s a desperate attempt to stay relevant and avoid accountability for her own failures.

Clinton’s strategy is clear: keep spinning the Russia narrative, keep the fear alive, and hope that it sticks. But the American people are smarter than that. They see through the lies and deceit. They remember the debunked Steele dossier, the failed Mueller investigation, and now the damning Durham report. The real collusion here is between Clinton and her allies in the Democratic Party, who are willing to use any means necessary to discredit Trump and maintain their grip on power.

It’s time for Hillary Clinton to stop spreading lies and start owning up to her role in the political discord that has plagued our nation for far too long. The American people deserve better than her cheap propaganda tactics. If Clinton can’t bring herself to tell the truth, then perhaps it’s best she simply fades into the background, where she belongs.
