How the Liberal Left makes White Kids into Monkey Mocking Racists

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It’s called manufactured racism.

In a recent video seen all over Twitter and other social media platforms, a group of white male students outside of a protest at Ole Miss, are being shown in massive opposition and out numbering, yelling, ranting, raving, and making monkey noises and gestures against a single standing black woman.

The video is being portrayed all over social media as another example of supreme arrogant white racism and hate against the black community.

Clearly, this is a load of horse crap, and it is being spun by social media baiters as a clear problem and threat in America.  We never see what happened before the video was taken, what her role of instigation was or any other context.  Does this justify racism?  No.  Does this go to point the reasoning for the group’s action?  Yes.

The reality of what this issue is is a bunch of overzealous, idiot, young men who all just happen to be white, expressing their pure frustration at the lowest common denominator possible over a lie they have been forced to live since probably many of them have been born, “you are White and you are evil!”

The Liberal Left, who cries every single day from their social justice Ivory Towers that it is the problem of every person of color lives, what the white man has done to them.

And if you are white, you can’t say a damn thing against that lie. You can’t defend yourself, you can’t respond back with facts or evidence, you can’t even slightly agree and then try to take a position of opposition in a debate, or you will be canceled, fired, ostracized, labeled racist, or worse.

So this is all manufactured by the Liberal Left. They want to push and push a group of people to the point of being so frustrated that they now have developed hatred, distain, and what is perceived as racism in their hearts against a group of people who they have otherwise been living with peacefully all this time.  No one cared about non existent social issues until they were force fed and brain washed by the Liberal Left and the media.

The liberal left has already done this to the black community living in urban cities. When you take away the proper education and family structure needed to develop boys and girls into men and women, you take away the ability for them to express true conflict resolution through dialogue and replace it with the overwhelming amount of temper tantrum throwing violence that the Urban community outwardly expresses on a day by day basis through shootings, lootings, car-jackings and more.

White People MUST Bow Down to Black Activists… or ELSE!

Listen to “White People MUST Bow Down to Black Activists… or ELSE!” on Spreaker.

The liberal left is supreme at pushing a group of people, in their specific culture, to accept a false narrative to the point it becomes their ideology and their frustration drives them to the point of extremes.

Both sides are being played and the outcome will not be good.
